Welcome to my Motion vs. Asana comparison!

I've been using these project management tools for a few months, and they've really helped me organize my messy work schedule.

In this review, I'll show you how each tool helped me get my projects in order.

Here's what I'll cover in this review of Motion vs. Asana:

  • An overview of each tool and its features
  • Who should use Motion and who should use Asana
  • How to decide if you need Motion or Asana
  • A comparison of the pros and cons of each tool
  • How the pricing of Asana compares to Motion

This review will be exciting and informative, giving you a clear idea of what Motion and Asana can do for you.

Motion Vs Asana Overview


Team Collaboration

Strong, with task comments, messages, and updates

Project Templates

Various templates and workflows

User Interface

Designed for team interaction

Communication Channels

Multiple channels for team communication

AI Features

All PlansAI for task automation, workload balancing, and reminders


Starts at $10.99/month 

motion logo

Team Collaboration

Focuses on individual tasks, fewer team features

Project Templates

Limited to individual task management

User Interface

Designed for personal productivity

Communication Channels

Limited to task lists and calendar sharing

AI Features

AI for personal task optimization, scheduling, and reminders


Starts at $19/month (annually)

Here’s a Breakdown of My Motion vs Asana Guide:

Akiflow and Sunsama both have a lot of features that are the same, and they're pretty similar in how they work and what it's like to use them.

But each one also has special features where it might be better than the other.

Features unique to Motion:

  • AI-Powered Scheduling: Automatically schedules tasks based on deadlines and priorities.
  • Automatically suggests meeting times based on your availability.
  • Dynamic Task Management: Adjusts schedules in real-time based on changing priorities.
  • Integrated Calendar: Combines all calendars into one unified view for better management.
  • Time Blocking: Allocates specific time slots for focused work on tasks.
  • Adaptive Planning: Continuously adapts plans as new tasks and changes arise.
  • Automated Rescheduling: Automatically reschedules tasks when conflicts or delays occur.
  • Personalized Workflows: Customizes workflows based on individual preferences and habits.
  • Focus Mode: Minimizes distractions by blocking non-essential notifications.
  • Task Dependencies: Manages and adjusts dependent tasks automatically.

Features unique to Asana:

  • AI-Powered Work Management: AI teammates provide intelligent insights, automate tasks, and adapt to changing needs.
  • Smart Goals: Helps draft and standardize goals across the organization.
  • Smart Summaries: Provides quick summaries of project progress.
  • Smart Rules: Allows creating rules using natural language instructions.
  • Chat with AI Teammate: AI can answer questions and take actions across work.
  • Advanced Search and Reporting: Generate custom reports with detailed filters for in-depth insights.
  • Task Dependencies: Define and manage task sequences to maintain project flow.
  • Goals Tracking: Set, track, and align team and individual goals within projects.
  • Portfolio Management: Oversee and manage multiple projects simultaneously.
  • Forms: Create and manage project requests with customizable forms.
  • Custom Rules: Automate workflows with if-this-then-that rules to enhance efficiency.

Asana Vs Motion? Which Tool Do I Need?

Motion Pros and Cons

What I Like/Dislike About Motion

  • Automatic Task Management: Saves time by scheduling and rescheduling tasks automatically.
  • AI Features: Uses AI to optimize schedules and tasks.
  • Task Lists and Calendars: Easy to share and sync.
  • Calendar Integration: Combines Google, Apple, and Outlook calendars into one unified schedule.
  • Task Prioritization: AI prioritizes and rearranges tasks based on importance.
  • Manual Task Limitation: Manually scheduled tasks cannot revert to automatic scheduling.
  • Learning Curve: Requires time to get used to the features and setup.
  • Price: High cost ($34/month or $19/month with an annual discount).

Asana Pros and Cons

What I Like/Dislike About Asana

  • Easy to Use: Simple and intuitive interface.
  • Great Collaboration: Allows team comments, messages, and updates.
  • Integration: Works with Slack, Microsoft Teams, and other tools.
  • Project Templates: Provides ready-to-use templates and workflows.
  • Task Management: Good for tracking tasks and deadlines.
  • Limited Customization: Less flexible in customizing reports compared to some other tools.
  • Overwhelming for Small Teams: Might be too feature-rich for very small teams or simple projects.
  • Price: Can get expensive as team size grows.

Detailed Side-By-Side Comparison: Motion vs. Asana

1. Automation and AI


As a project manager, Asana's AI features include smart task creation, automated task assignments, and real-time task updates.

It offers AI-driven insights to help you focus on what matters most. Asana's AI also automates busywork by:

  • Creating and assigning tasks
  • Suggesting edits
  • Providing in-product help

Additionally, it offers features like:

  • Smart status updates: AI pulls real-time data to identify risks and roadblocks.
  • Smart goals: Helps draft and standardize goals across the organization.
  • Smart charts: Automatically visualizes data with charts.
  • Smart summaries: Provides quick summaries of project progress.

These tools help you manage tasks, set effective goals, visualize data, and stay updated on progress without needing more meetings.


On the other hand, Motion uses AI to schedule tasks automatically based on your deadlines and priorities.

It also dynamically adjusts your schedule in real-time, ensuring that your plan always fits your current needs.

Motion helps find the best meeting times, integrates all your calendars into one view, and allows time blocking for focused work.

It continuously adapts to new tasks and changes, reschedules tasks when conflicts arise, and offers personalized workflows based on your habits.

2. Task Management


Asana lets you create detailed tasks with subtasks, attachments, due dates, assignees, and custom fields.

You can set recurring tasks and dependencies, making tracking complex projects easy and ensuring everything is on schedule.

This level of detail helps teams stay organized and ensures everyone knows what they need to do and when.


Motion's task management helps you keep track of what needs to be done. It puts your tasks on your calendar, making it easy to see what's coming up.

The app uses AI to suggest when to do each task, considering how urgent and important it is.

If you don't finish everything in a day, Motion moves leftover tasks to another time. You can also group related tasks into projects, which helps when working on bigger goals.

The idea is to make your day more organized without you having to think about it too much.

This way, you can focus more on doing the work rather than planning it.

2. Project Management:


As this is the main feature that Asana built for, there's a lot to say here:

To keep your project organized, you can create sections within it, such as Campaign Ideas or Content Creation if you're working on a marketing project.

Each task can have detailed descriptions and attachments like files, images, or videos for better context.

You can also break down larger tasks into smaller subtasks to make them more manageable.

Setting priorities and due dates is another key feature. You can mark tasks as low, medium, or high priority and assign due dates to ensure everything gets done on time.

Dependencies can also be set, meaning one task can't start until another is completed, which helps prevent workflow bottlenecks.

Asana's collaboration tools are designed to enhance teamwork. You can comment on tasks to provide feedback or ask questions and mention team members to notify them of important updates.

To track your project's progress, Asana offers various project views: List View for a simple list of tasks, Board View for a Kanban-style board, Timeline View) for visualizing deadlines and dependencies, and Calendar View to see tasks by their due dates.

Integrations with other tools like Google Drive, Slack, and Zoom make it easy to link files, communicate, and schedule meetings without leaving Asana.

You can also set up automation to streamline your workflow, such as creating a rule to send an email notification whenever a task's priority is set to high.

Finally, Asana provides reporting features to help you analyze your project's performance.

You can create custom reports to track progress, identify bottlenecks, and ensure everything is on track.

These features make Asana a versatile tool for organizing tasks, collaborating with your team, and completing projects on time.


Motion is an intuitive app designed for project management that offers more than just organizing tasks.

It helps you plan your day by integrating tasks, meetings, and personal events into your schedule automatically.

The app is perfect for both individuals and teams, providing insights into your availability and helping you meet deadlines.

To get started, you need to set up your Motion calendar, which will be the main space where you schedule your tasks. You can add tasks quickly using shortcuts and set priorities, deadlines, and durations.

Motion's AI will auto-schedule these tasks on your calendar, ensuring that you have the time blocked out to complete them.

Setting up projects in Motion is straightforward. You create workspaces for different departments or types of work, and within each workspace, you create specific projects.

Each project can have statuses to represent different stages, like "To Do," "In Progress," and "Completed," making it easy to track progress.

Motion also allows for seamless team collaboration. When you assign a task to a team member, it automatically shows up on their calendar, reducing the need for manual updates and check-ins. This feature ensures everyone is on the same page and knows what to work on next.

One of Motion's standout features is its capacity planning, which takes into account both work and personal events, providing a realistic view of your team's availability.

This helps in planning and ensuring deadlines are met without overloading anyone.

Motion’s user-friendly interface and powerful features make it a game-changer in project management, helping you and your team stay organized and efficient.

3. Collaboration and Communication


When it comes to collaboration and communication, Asana shines with its strong team collaboration tools. It allows for task comments, team messages, and project updates, ensuring everyone stays on the same page.

Asana also integrates seamlessly with communication tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams, making keeping all your conversations in one place easier.

Additionally, Asana provides project templates and workflows that teams can use to streamline their processes.


On the other hand, Motion focuses more on individual task optimization than direct team collaboration.

While it does offer shared task lists and calendars, it doesn't emphasize team communication features as much as Asana.

This makes it great for personal productivity but might require additional tools for robust team collaboration.

4. User Interface and Experience


Highly customizable but can be complex for new users.

Multiple views (list, board, calendar, timeline) to cater to different project management styles.


Simple and intuitive interface focused on ease of use.

Centralized calendar view integrates tasks, meetings, and events seamlessly.

5. Integrations


Integrates with over 270 third-party apps, including Google Drive, Dropbox, Salesforce, Trello, Slack, and many others.

Extensive API for custom integrations.


Limited integrations compared to Asana, focusing mainly on calendar and task management tools.

Key integrations include Google Calendar, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams.

6. Pricing


  • Personal (Free): Perfect for individuals or small teams; it's free forever and offers all the basics you need to stay organized.
  • Starter ($10.99/user/month annually): Great for growing teams; adds advanced views and more collaboration tools, making it worth the investment.
  • Advanced ($24.99/user/month annually): Ideal for larger companies; includes extensive automation and reporting features, which can significantly boost productivity.
  • Enterprise (Contact sales): Best for large organizations; offers unlimited users and advanced security, making it essential for complex, cross-departmental work.
  • Enterprise+ (Contact sales): Tailored for companies with strict compliance needs; provides top-tier security and integration options, ensuring peace of mind.


  • Individual Plan: $19/month (billed annually, save 44%) - Task & project management, AI scheduling, calendar management, meeting booking tools, 1-click email assistant, desktop & mobile app, customer support.
  • Team Plan: $12/user/month (billed annually, save 40%) - All Individual plan features, optimal daily planning for teams, team schedule visibility, automated resource planning, project deadline warnings, workflow automation templates.
  • Free Trial: 7-day trial

Both Asana and Motion offer valuable features at different price points.

Asana's free plan is a strong starting point for individuals and small teams, while its paid plans scale up to meet the needs of larger organizations.

Motion, on the other hand, focuses on AI-powered scheduling and team management, offering competitive pricing for both individual and team plans.

Alternatives To Asana And Motion

While Motion And Asana are indeed among the top project management apps available, they are not the only options. There are 7 alternatives to consider, such as:

  • Trello: A visual project management tool that uses boards, lists, and cards.
  • ClickUp: A customizable productivity platform with tasks, docs, goals, and more.
  • Monday.com: A work operating system with customizable workflows.
  • Notion: A workspace for notes, tasks, databases, and more.
  • Todoist: A task manager and to-do list application. (Read my Motion vs Todoist Comparison)
  • Reclaim AI (My review here): A scheduling tool designed to optimize and automate your calendar, helping manage tasks and events effectively.

For more details, I've also written an article about alternatives to Motion, so you can explore other options.

Final Thoughts: Are Motion And Asana Worth The Money

Both Motion and Asana are totally worth the money you spend on them.

Think of it as an investment in your time, which is super valuable! These fantastic tools can help you stay organized and boost productivity.

Whether you choose Motion with its smart scheduling and habit tracking, or Asana with its advanced project management features, you'll find they simplify your life.

Give them a shot!

They'll help you work smarter, not harder, making your days incredibly productive. It's definitely worth it

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About the Author Millie Pham

Meet Millie Pham - an SEO content marketer and video editor who loves exploring the latest tech and AI tools. She provides honest reviews and demystifies the world of AI, SEO, and blogging, making these complex topics accessible and easy to understand for everyone. Her work has been featured on Marin Software, jobillico, Nicereply, and other sites.

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