If you're anything like me, you've sat staring at a blank screen, the cursor blinking mockingly as you struggle to write a blog post.

It's a common plight for bloggers everywhere – the pressure to churn out content quickly without sacrificing quality. You know the feeling, right?

I promise you, there's a better way. After years of trial and error, I've honed strategies that have significantly slashed my writing time.

And I will share with you 11 actionable tips on how to write blog posts faster, without cutting corners or losing your unique voice in this article.

Stick with me; you'll craft compelling content in record time.

11 Tips to Write Blog Posts Faster

Here are 11 tips to help you write great blog posts quickly:

Tip 1: Create A Content Calendar

content calendar

When I first started blogging, I'd sit down and wait for inspiration to strike. But let's be real; that's not how consistent content creation works.

I began to map out my blog post ideas on a content calendar to keep my blog lively and my stress levels low. It's a simple tool, but it's been a game-changer for me.

I plan my posts monthly, jotting down topics and keywords that resonate with my audience. This way, I'm never at a loss for what to write about.

Plus, it helps me stay on track with my SEO goals, ensuring I'm targeting the right keywords to keep my blog visible and engaging.

Seeing the difference a content calendar made for me, I'm confident you can do the same.

Trust me, a little planning goes a long way, and a content calendar is your first step towards more organized and efficient blogging.

Tip 2 Create an Outline

Every time I sit down to write a blog article, I start with a clear outline. This wasn't always my approach, but once I began doing it, my ability to write content quickly and effectively soared.

Here's my personal two-step method that you might find helpful, too.

First, I use ChatGPT to help me with the initial structure of my outline.

use chatgpt to create blog post outline

Here is the prompt that I use:

Create a detailed outline for a blog post with really good SEO structure and 2-level headings titled "title"

Then, I use Chrome extension called Detailed. This tool lets me see what elements work well for others in my niche.

Chrome extension called Detail

However, I don't straight-up copy what I find; instead, I use it to add depth and detail to my ChatGPT-generated outline.

I might rephrase a compelling subheading that I hadn't considered, but that resonates with readers.

With these two approaches, I create a robust outline that guides me through the writing process.

With this outline in hand, I believe you can write content that's not only quick to produce but also rich in value, ensuring that your readers come away with insights and information that are both useful and engaging.

Tip 3: Set a Timer

When I need to buckle down and start writing, setting a timer is my secret to churning out content faster. I've been using Sunsama for this (My review here), and it's been a game-changer with its Focus Mode feature.

Focus Mode is all about eliminating distractions.

I just select the task, hit 'F' on my keyboard, and everything else disappears. It's just me and the task at hand.

The timer function within Sunsama keeps me honest about how long I spend on each section. If I need to step away, no sweat—I pause the timer and return when I'm ready.

focus mode in Sunsama

The real kicker for me is being able to compare the time I thought I'd need with the time it actually takes. It's a reality check that helps me better estimate tasks for the future.

Plus, Sunsama has a built-in Pomodoro timer right in the 'Focus mode' tab. It's a straightforward method that alternates focused work sessions with short breaks.

built-in Pomodoro timer in Sunsama

It's not about working non-stop; it's about working smart and giving your brain the rest it needs to stay sharp.

Tip 4: Eliminate Distractions

To craft quality blog posts, I've learned that minimizing interruptions is key. It's tempting to keep an eye on emails and social media, but every time I give in to that urge, it disrupts my flow and slows me down.

So now, when I sit down to write, I make a conscious effort to eliminate distractions.

I start by choosing a quiet place where I'm less likely to be disturbed. Then, I go into full focus mode: notifications on my phone and computer get silenced.

It's amazing how much these simple steps help. Without the constant buzz of technology, my mind stays on track, and the words flow more freely.

Distractions are not just external; they can be internal, too. So, I clear my workspace to keep it clutter-free, which somehow declutters my mind as well.

This way, when I'm trying to write, I'm not just physically present; I'm mentally there, too, fully engaged with the content I'm creating.

It's a straightforward change, but it has significantly increased my writing speed and the caliber of my blog posts.

Tip 5: Leverage an AI writing tool to write a rough first draft

When it comes to writing a rough first draft, I've found that leaning on an AI writing tool can be a huge help. I personally use KoalaWriter.

I've come to accept that the first draft is just that – a draft. It's not meant to be flawless.

And while AI tools like KoalaWriter are getting better all the time, they're not quite at the point where they can fully replace the nuance and creativity of a human writer.

koalawriter interface

But that's okay. These tools are here to help us get started, to turn a blank page into a page with potential.

So, I let the AI do its thing, knowing that I'll come back and add the human touch later.

It takes the edge off the writing process and helps me move forward when I might otherwise be stuck staring at the screen.

Tip 6: Use Voice-to-Text Software

When I'm ready to get my ideas out and onto the screen, sometimes typing can't keep up with the pace of my thoughts.

That's where voice-to-text software comes in handy, and Descript is my go-to choice. It's like having a conversation with my computer—I just talk, and Descript types it out for me.

This method is especially great when I'm feeling stuck. Speaking out loud can make ideas flow more naturally than typing. Plus, it's a real time-saver.

I can get all my thoughts down first and then go back to edit and refine them. Using Descript means I can write in a way that feels as easy as chatting with a friend, without worrying about my typing speed or typos.

It's a straightforward way to capture my thoughts quickly and keep the blog writing process moving.

Tip 7: Research Efficiently

When I'm gearing up to write a blog post fast, doing my homework right is a big deal.

I stick to reliable sources for my info because, let's face it, a perfect blog post is only as good as the facts backing it up.

I've got a system: as I dig through the info, I bookmark the web pages that are spot on for what I need.

Sometimes, I'll jot down quick notes or key points too.

This way, everything's ready to go when I start writing. It's like having all my ingredients prepped before I start cooking.

With my research organized and at my fingertips, I can keep my writing flow smooth and steady without pausing and searching down details.

It's all about being prepared, so when it's time to write, I can roll with it.

Tip 8: Batch Your Work

Batching your work can be a game-changer if you're aiming to write quickly without sacrificing quality.

The idea is to group similar tasks together and tackle them in dedicated chunks of time.

For example, you might set aside a couple of hours just for doing keyword research and outlining your posts. Then, you could dedicate another block of time to the actual writing.

By doing this, you're not constantly switching gears from one task to another, which can really slow you down. Instead, you're giving all your attention to one type of work at a time.

So, when it's time to sit down and write, you're not pausing every few minutes to figure out what comes next. You've already laid the groundwork with your batching system.

All the prep work is done, and you can just flow with the writing. This method keeps your mind clear, your goals in sight, and your productivity high.

It's a straightforward way to power through your blogging tasks and get that content out there for your readers.

Tip 9: Use Blog Post Templates

Think of a template as a map that guides you through the writing process. For certain types of posts, like reviews or listicles, the structure is often similar.

A template for a review might start with an introduction, then move to the main features, followed by pros and cons, and wrap up with a conclusion.

By having these templates ready, you don't have to start from scratch every time. You know exactly where to plug in your information. It's a bit like filling in the blanks on a form.

This saves you the time and effort of figuring out how to structure your post, so you can focus on the content itself.

With a solid template, you can churn out well-organized posts faster, giving you more time to engage with your readers or work on other projects.

Tip 10: Edit After Writing

When you've finished writing that first draft, it's tempting to dive straight into editing.

But here's a tip: take a break first. Step away from your work for a bit. Go for a walk, grab a coffee, or just do something different.

When you come back, you'll see your writing with fresh eyes.

This little pause can make a big difference in your editing process. You'll spot the tweaks and changes that need to be made more easily, and you'll likely find ways to tighten up your writing that you didn't see before.

So, give yourself that space between writing and editing. It can help you polish your post and make it shine.

Tip 11: Set Deadlines

Setting deadlines is a simple yet powerful way to keep your blog writing on track. When you decide on a finish line for each post, it lights a fire under you.

You've got a clear target to aim for, and that can really help you stay focused. It's like telling yourself, "I need to finish this by Tuesday," and then doing what it takes to make it happen.

Deadlines push you to work smarter and stop you from getting lost in the endless tweaks and changes.

They're a nudge to get the job done, helping you to publish your posts regularly and keep your readers coming back for more.

So, mark that calendar and watch how a simple date can boost your motivation and speed up your writing process.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it, a wrap-up of my 11 tips on how to write blog posts.

These strategies aren't just about speeding up the process; they're about making your journey in writing blog posts smoother and more enjoyable. 

Give them a try and see how they transform your approach to blogging.

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About the Author Millie Pham

Meet Millie Pham - an SEO content marketer and video editor who loves exploring the latest tech and AI tools. She provides honest reviews and demystifies the world of AI, SEO, and blogging, making these complex topics accessible and easy to understand for everyone. Her work has been featured on Marin Software, jobillico, Nicereply, and other sites.

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